Branch: Student Mentorship Application

The transition to college can be difficult for many reasons. Branch is a mobile app that connects new college students with those who have already grown through experiences.

Branch focuses on acclimating first year college students to campus life through mentorship and forging lasting connections.


Research, Wireframing, Sketching, User Flows, UI/UX, Interaction Design, Visual Design


Spring 2020 - 1 Week


Helping users find a circle of
support in a holistic way.

branch out, get connected, stay linked


For many first year students, college is the first time they experience the freedom of living on their own. They are figuring out who they are, what they value, and discovering what it means to take care of themselves, all while also focusing on their education.

How can we create a digital experience to establish a new sense of home and alleviate some of the stress from an objectively stressful time, a student's first year of college?


A campus wide mentorship application that connects first time and returning students to each other and allows them to foster a relationship, strong sense of community and find their home on campus.

Project Goals

Lasting Connections

Allow new students to bond with experienced ones in order to create a strong sense of belonging.

A Diverse Community

Encourage students to branch out and strengthen the community and see from new perspectives.

Acclimating New Students

Make the transition to college as easy as possble for new, transfer and international students.

Foster Open Communication

Help students to feel more comfortable reaching out to others and asking for help.

stay in touch

stalk me

let's talk


about me        grab my resume        bops

Have a great day ☻
© 2020 - Liza Comley